
Turning SEO into $EO

If you’re an agent, a contractor, a consultant, or even a small business owner, you’ve undoubtedly dipped a toe into online marketing and lead generation. As the Internet has evolved, so have its requirements for staying current and rising above the signal to noise ratio. 

From having a top-level domain name to being present on current social media networks, the bar to be seen online is constantly rising. Investing in a solid SEO strategy can do more than just get you noticed, it can get you business!

Many people associate SEO with simply adding keywords to a website. Keywords are just the beginning. Thoughtful content, social network integration, and link building strategies are all crucial components to SEO.

If you had to associate only one word with SEO, it shouldn’t be keywords. It should be visibility. Which is the exact return on investment you can expect.

So you’ve done some research. You know your competitors, you know your desired client, and you’re ready to go. Many people think that deployment of an SEO strategy is a one-time deal – far from it.

Keeping on top of your SEO game is easy enough. Free tools such as Google Analytics will show you where your traffic is coming from, what keywords they search for, where they’re visiting from, and more. Moreover, targeted campaigns can also be tracked easily with this service.  

While many things are wonderfully automated, one of the most essential steps to SEO strategy is changing it based on the data. Data can let you know what is working, and can alert you to market segments you didn’t even know were interested.

By constantly engaging a targeted audience, your personal brand continues to grow. Even customers who aren’t ready to reach out for your services yet may be inclined to follow the trail of well formatted, targeted expert content you provide, and turn that interest into a later purchase or contract.

SEO is not only programmatic, it is also social. Engaging with your audience and taking note of what they respond to is a constant, one on one process that can create large returns for minimal effort.

So remember, SEO is not a 'set it and forget it' endeavor.  It takes a bit of care and feeding.

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