  • 02Sep

    Addressing the Elephant in the Room: How Many Spaces After a Period?

    02 September 2014   Kristen     3 Comments

    You may not know this, but there is a rather heated debate going on between writers and designers over how many spaces should follow a period. In fact, a long time ago a designer confronted our very own copywriter. She was informed that it was not correct to use two spaces after a period. Who. Knew. Apparently, to a designer, seeing two spaces makes them die a little bit inside.

    So, in an effort to save the souls of designers (and the lives of writers) everywhere, let's tackle this subject. To double space or not to double space, that is the question!


    Two spaces after a period, everyone does that right?

  • 09Sep

    Can Technology Make Us Happier? GLAD WORKS Says: "YES!"

    09 September 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

    Frank Coletta, the news anchor on NBC 10 News Sunrise and NBC 10 News at Noon calls technology "dastardly computers."  Many of us would agree that computers and other technologies can indeed be "dastardly" at times and frustrate us to no end when things don't work correctly. But, it can also be argued that technology can make us tremendously happier too.

    So to test this theory out, we gathered the gang together to see what kinds of technology makes their lives easier, healthier or happier and today we're sharing what they had to say.

  • 15Sep

    5 Things Taylor Swift Can Teach Us About How to Shake it Off

    15 September 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

    Life can be rough sometimes, can't it?  It seems like wherever you go, there's some negativity you've got to deal with. Maybe you met a friend for lunch and all they did was complain. You received harsh criticism or lost a big client. Wherever that negativity is coming from, you've got to shake it off. We love the new Taylor Swift song because it's an anthem for getting rid of all the bad stuff so you can embrace the good.  

  • 23Sep

    Fun Stuff at GLAD WORKS: Keeping Teams Healthy and Cohesive

    23 September 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

    You see our names in emails and get very official documentation, but how much do you really know about our office culture?  Not a lot. We share some things here and there on Facebook, but other than that, you don't get to see or hear too much about what the daily workings are like. As a group of creatives who are also friends and kind of like a little family, we enjoy working together. We have fun days and mini contests that help the team bond. Today, we'll share last week's fun with you.


  • 30Sep

    Why Apple Can Never Be The Way it was When Steve Jobs was In Charge

    30 September 2014   Kristen     0 Comments

    Many people have been coming down on Apple lately, calling it a "Haunted Empire" that's doomed in the post Jobs era. We think this is unfair. Tim Cook is a different person with a different management style. He's also inherited a lot of problems left behind by Jobs. Yes, Apple as it is right now is not the hot racecar tearing up the track that it once was, but nothing can keep up that kind of intensity forever. Right now, they're taking a bit of a pit stop, keeping that car idling while developing the next big, huge, awesome idea. Apple is loaded with some of the most brilliant people alive. Something big will happen.