A common inquiry we hear from our clients is, "We want to make sure our customers think of us when they have a need, but how can we guarantee that? Short of camping out in their office or calling them every day, how can we make sure they keep us in mind later?"
One simple way we recommend is to use direct email, also known as email "blasts."
Marketing today isn’t what it once was. In fact, it’s more than it’s ever been.
As you can imagine, the way we market today is dramatically different from the way we marketed 50 years ago when there was no internet, no fax machine and limited television access.
Most of us assume that our work email accounts are fair game…that our employers have the right and the responsibility to monitor the email sent from their employees’ accounts. After all, if the person down the hall starts sending threatening emails to Bill Gates, wouldn’t you want to know?
If we ever thought there was one way to campaign for the presidency, the 2008 primary season has changed that opinion forever.
Gone are the days of stumping, baby-kissing and whistle stops. Welcome to the virtual world of in-your-face, on-your-airwaves, everywhere-you-look politicking.
In the past, candidates have employed image makers who managed, guided and refined their guy to make sure he looked and sounded presidential (i.e., electable). More than ever, this year’s candidates have embraced the value of marketing themselves to the American people, and they have hired professionals to help them.
Online social networking may be a foreign concept to you, but trust me: it's not foreign to the new group of Gen Y adults who will be your clients tomorrow. Succeeding in the coming years will mean embracing (or at least, accepting) this technology and understanding how it can work for you.
And rest assured: it can work for you. Let me tell you how: