
Cool Stuff From The Web

Andre: Here's an adorable kitten video. Who says only girls love them? Kittens are awesome!

Brittany: This is going to be the best Christmas present EVER! Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby is coming out!

Kristen:  If your tweets were mini sound clips, what would they sound like? Red Bull has figured out a way to turn them into beats with Beat Suite. How cool is this? 

This is sooo pretty! It's underwater art made with fine crystalware and elegant colored liquid clouds. It's mmmagical!   

I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they keep their desk, so naturally I was drawn to these photos of the workspaces of 20 top web designers.

Liz: Red-green and blue-yellow? What the what? Did you know there are colors that exist that we cannot see? So, how do they know!?!

And when I was looking for that, I found this about how differently we experience color in comparison to members of the animal kingdom. It's like a dog whistle for your eyes!

Mattie: Wanna know how to be the worst web designer in the world? Follow this handy guide toward ultimate failure and disgrace!

This is a really interesting case study about how the world trade center association revitalized their brand with the help of creatives from Meyer & Liechty, Inc.

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